Visitor Data: $1.2 Billion Spent On Mainland

45% Of Tourism Income Comes To Southcentral Alaska 

Independent travelers spend more money in Southcentral Alaska than anywhere else. A total of $866 million is spent in Southcentral – or 45% of all money spent on land by non-package travelers. It's no surprise that Southeast hauls in the money; that's where the cruise ships land. But Southcentral's piece of the pie is surprisingly hefty.

Interior Alaska is also a heavy hitter, with 17% spent (or $336 million.) The total amount of non-package tour and non-transportation money spent in Southcentral, the Interior & the "Far North" is $1.2 billion. 

Where Do Alaska's Travelers Spend Their Money?

Southcentral: $866 Million
Interior: $336 Million
Far North: $26 Million
Southwest: $93 Million
Southeast: $622 Million

GRAPH: Courtesy McDowell Group